This blog is the travelogues with pictures taken in Côte d'Azur and Provence, by a Japanese residing in south of France. I hope the photos of this blog advise you to fix your travel plan.

Côte d'Azur: Nice, Carnival de Nice

The following photos are taken in "Carnival de Nice (Nice carnical)".
(The official site is here.)

Nice carnival is held annually in February, at promenade des Anglais.
The period is about 2 or 3 weeks,
and the events are taken place 3 or 4 times in a week.

There are 2 major events, one is "Corso Carnivalesque (Carnival parade)",
the other is "Bataille de Fleurs (Flower battle)"
The following photos were taken in "Corso Carnivalesque (Carnival parade)", 2014.
In near future, the photos of "Bataille de Fleurs (Flower battle)" will be up loaded.

You can see in photo that there are a lot of people in this event.
Dance musics are played and everyone is dancing.

< Rate >
  • The rate for entrance is 10 euros. (children from 6 to 12 years old: 5 euros)
  • The rate for reserved seat is 25 euros. (children from 6 to 12 years old: 10 euros)
  • The rate for 2 event participant with reserved seat is 35 euro
  • The rate of under 6 years old is free.
You can know more details if you access the following URL:

And, if you dress up for carnival, the rate become free. 

This event attracts a million visitors every year.
Everyone is dancing with music.

The "floats" are changed every year.
Many kinds of floats parade.

What a tall float!!

Dress for carnival is like this.
Many people enjoy dressing for carnival and face painting.
If you dress like this, the rate for entrance is free.

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